Sâuçá owner Farhad Assari helped put DC food trucks on the map when he launched Sâuçá in early 2010. Now, as he uses his expertise from the successful launch of Sâuçá to expand the brand with his latest endeavor, the MEATHEAD Mobile Eatery, his customers – and the media – are taking note.
In early February, Sâuçá added to its fleet of mobile food trucks with the launch of the MEATHEAD Mobile Eatery. Yes, the name says it all. These DC food trucks offer four deliciously meaty sandwiches (steak, pork, two chicken), and chips and drinks too, but with a twist. With sandwich names such as oink, oink and moo, moo, you get some fun in every bite.
Farhad is leading the mobile food truck revolution, and the Washington Examiner took note of his dynamic company in a feature in the newspaper last week. The story followed Farhad’s ascent to food truck royalty, and talked about his personal dedication to helping improve DC’s food vending regulations.
VSAG worked closely with Farhad to develop and launch the Sâuçá concept and provides on-going advisory and strategy services.
Congrats, Farhad and Sâuçá!
To read the full Washington Examiner article, go to: http://washingtonexaminer.com /entertainment/2011/02/food-road
For more information/menu re: the MEATHEAD Mobile Eatery please visit http://www.meatheadme.com