“I think no matter what your political or scientific views, everyone can agree that clean air, greenery, and a sense of community are important to happiness.”
Here, here … Dan Simons!
Just a taste of VSAG’s Dan Simons’ feature this week on top entrepreneurial resource site, Alltopstartups, as he discussed the important, relevant restaurant & hospitality industry topics of corporate sustainability and environmental mindfulness.
As a nation, we’ve watched and listened as these issues have been discussed, and debated, of late. But, how do these broad, overarching themes boil down to our business practices?
Speaking on behalf of our client, Founding Farmers, Dan said, “Founding Farmers is based around the idea that sustainability is more than a goal, it’s a requirement.” He continued, “My hope is that we’ve served as an example to at least a few budding businesses, and they think of us as proof that yes, you can be ethical, sustainable, and profitable at the same time. It’s possible, and we’re doing it.”
How do they gage their success? By succeeding to “unbundle the industrial supply chain” with their farmer-owned concept and purchasing practices, allowing them to responsibly welcome customers every day who trust them enough to spend their hard-earned dollar while dining at their restaurants.
These elements remain paramount for Founding Farmers, and sister restaurants Farmers & Distillers and Farmers Fishers Bakers, and their commitment to corporate and community responsibility and transparency. With these principles firmly in place and continually resonating with staff and guest alike, they’ve proved crucial to helping them be honored as one of the 10 most sustainable restaurants in America this year.
For Dan, it boils down to the notion that what makes Founding Farmers so special: the company is founded on the dream of a better world, and they in turn show their love for the community without hesitation. And with that, has come an incredible response.
To read Dan’s full feature, we invite you to click here.