It’s no secret that we are firm believers in advising our clients on the importance of reducing overall restaurant and hospitality business food waste with new, innovative techniques and ideas* on repurposing ingredients and strategic sourcing.
We’ve successfully counseled Farmers Restaurant Group and Founding Farmers restaurants, one of our concept development and restaurant management clients, on many sustainability areas. Not only are their restaurants dedicated to environmentally-friendly practices at every turn, the flagship Washington, D.C. location was the city’s first LEED Gold Certified restaurant with certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The restaurant has also been named a Certified Green Restaurant, with strictly monitored daily green operational tactics, and offsets annual greenhouse gas emissions with the purchase of carbon credits through
We have set a high standard to continue to strive for sustainability success for all of our clients, and build upon those benchmarks by seeking out new techniques and technologies, as well as working closely with other industry advocates to get the message out.
So, our Dan Simons was very enthusiastic when asked to be interviewed for a just-released National Restaurant Industry (NRA) article on what our team and our clients have discovered along the continuing road to sustainability success and reducing food waste … from our experiences with managing inventory and purchasing to portion control and smart purveyor partnerships, always striving to reduce food waste before it’s created.
*for more on-topic information/ideas, view our latest VSAG news post on reducing food waste.