Earth Day 2013: Support Our Environment And Our Future

Each April 22nd more than a billion (yes, a billion!) people around the world participate in Earth Day events, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Designed to broaden global support for environmental programs and education, rekindle public and policy commitment, and build community activism through a broad range of events and activities, Earth Day brings people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities together with one common interest: A commitment to protecting our environment and building a better future.

This year marks the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day. Over the years as global coverage of environmental issues, such as climate changes, landfill overflows and clean water shortages, increase – so do the ways in which we can come together to help.

Gather your staff and organize an event in your community. Whether it’s helping to install solar panels on the roof of a civil building in your town, volunteering as a group to clean up trash at a local park or coming together to attend an environmental awareness festival, every effort counts.

Use your industry knowledge to make a difference and support Earth Day’s ‘Smart Snacks in Schools’ campaign. Research shows that students consume 35-50% of their daily calories while at school, so consider contacting your local school board and offering to work closely with them to limit high sugar/calorie offerings in schools. Help them to develop a healthy snack menu that will force kids to make healthy snack choices in school and out.

In fact, Earth Day organizers site recent research that found the implementation of strong nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages can not only decrease students’ consumption of unhealthy foods, but also increase students’ access to, purchase of, and consumption of healthier options. Making healthier life options conveys to healthy environments and helping to protect the world around us.

These should be reasons enough to get involved and join the likes of Earth Day supporters and partners such as the Clean Water America Alliance, Greenpeace, Ocean Conservancy, National Recreation and Park Association, or the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Visit Earth for more information and ideas on how you and your staff can support the cause, have your voices heard and hopefully inspire change on April 22, 2013 … and every day thereafter.

Photo: Sustainable practices at every turn, for Earth Day and beyond.