From Sea to Shining Sea: We Support Sustainable Seafood

We’ve talked a lot about the state of sustainable seafood in the last few years. And what part overfishing, endangered fish selections, and in turn the importance of choosing seafood wisely within the food service industry, have played.

Yup, we’re getting on-topic again. Because it needs to remain in our dialogue. Because we can continue to have a positive impact on the sustainable seafood movement if we make good choices.

What does that mean, exactly?

It means, continuing to educate ourselves through research and open conversation in order to make our sustainable seafood menu choices count. Really count. For us. Our guests. Our kids. Our planet.

It means, looking to purchase sustainably whenever possible, or even better, serve invasive species. To serve as an overarching guide in doing so, look for selections that are either wild caught or farmed sustainably.

It means, recognizing progress already made. For example, it’s been reported that over the last decade, fishermen, conservationists, and government officials have worked together to transform the way our nation’s fisheries are managed. And due to their dedication, overfishing in the U.S. is near an all-time low, with more than 100 species on the path to recovery and many fisheries and their communities experiencing renewed growth.

It means, featuring selections that represent this sustainable progress. Such as: Pacific Ocean perch, snow crab, lingcod, long-nose skate, yellowtail rockfish, chilipepper rockfish, whiting (also knows as silver hake), Acadian redfish, monkfish, Atlantic pollock, red snapper, and red grouper.

It means, going local. Supporting your local seafood supply chain and/or fishery by featuring your purveyor’s daily, sustainable catches. Mix up your seasonal menus with light, simple fish SeafoodChesapeakeStyleJambalaya_StephanieBreijopreparations, such as grilling with salt/pepper/lemon/butter, in warmer months; and in cooler months showcase your seasonal flair with seafood-based stews, soups, gumbo, and jambalaya.

It means, proving to guests that your business is committed to championing, and ultimately protecting, our earth’s oceans and the fish that live in it.

*photo: Farmers Fishers Bakers seafood jambalya